This section of coast extends from the Shell Foreshore, Limeburners Lagoon and Avalon Beach to Point Wilson (Figure 6-40). The landscape here is very low and flat. The area supports large areas of saline habitat outside the former salt pan areas and, more recently, within. Some low levees protect the hinterland from regular tidal inundation; however, these are relict from the operation of the salt pans rather than for the purpose of protecting the hinterland. They are no longer maintained and are in poor condition. Inundation is the key issue rather than erosion.
Near Point Wilson the shoreline is a low-lying soft rock shoreline. Limited access to this area means little is known. The key issues here are likely to be more inundation related, than erosion.

Figure 6-40 Compartment 9: North Corio Bay to Point Wilson
Further studies
Inundation Hazard Assessment