- Compile an asset register based on the extents of the inundation.
- Undertake a risk assessment.
- Determine and evaluate options to reduce / mitigate risk using a quadruple bottom-line assessment, and the necessary timeframes to rank priority.
- Determine works schedules for future years. This could be done as part of an update to the local management plan incorporating the preferred mitigation option findings.
Figure 6-9 (a) Inundation extents within Barwon Estuary, 87m 3 /s catchment flow through Barwon River

Figure 6-9 (b) Timing of inundation within Barwon Estuary, 87m 3 /s baseflow flow through Barwon River

Figure 6-10 (a) Inundation extents within Barwon Estuary, 10% AEP catchment flow

Figure 6-10 (b) Timing of inundation within Barwon Estuary, 10% AEP catchment flow
Further investigations and recommendations
Compartment 4: Ocean Grove to Point Lonsdale