The present day inundation vulnerability to a 1% annual exceedance probability event (AEP) with 0.0 m sea-level rise (SLR) is low. Under this and the 0.2 m SLR scenario, the areas of inundation are mostly low-lying floodplain areas, therefore the impacts to habitat are potentially of significance. It is not until the events with the higher sea-level rise scenarios that infrastructure and assets are impacted.
The local habitat resilience to saline inundation should be assessed, and areas of appropriately elevated land mapped for future areas.
A key location to note is the beach access at Bancoora Beach, which has the potential to become a breach location in future for inundation of the hinterland. The timing of this is uncertain. Regular monitoring of the beach is required to allow coastal managers to track any significant changes that would prompt a management response. The amenity use of this area is likely to increase in future also, therefore the formalisation of the access may be necessary to minimise future anthropogenic impacts.
Key Findings
Compartment 2: Blue Rocks to Barwon Estuary