The 1% AEP storm-tide data for each of the Barwon Estuary, Breamlea, Newcomb / Moolap and Lakers Cutting areas spanned four days (Figure 5-2). This storm-tide was used for each of the six sea-level rise scenarios. The figure illustrates the tidal base-data used for each location. Note there is slight difference between the storm-tide peaks for Breamlea and Barwon Estuary, with Barwon Estuary being slightly higher. This base data was then raised as required for each sea-level rise scenario. Each of the six scenarios were run dynamically for at least one tidal cycle in order to capture the peak event. Storm-tide events were applied to their respective models at the ocean boundary.

Figure 5-3 Storm-tide sea-level curves used in the hydrodynamic modelling
Hydrodynamic modelling
Static Inundation Modelling