A data assimilation project was commissioned by DSE (now DELWP) prior to the commencement of the Bellarine Peninsula - Corio Bay LCHA. The purpose of this project was to locate and compile all the relevant data and information that would be required to undertake the coastal hazard and climate change assessment.
The assimilation project information formed the basis of the current review. The information provides a thorough record of previous studies carried out in the region up to 2011. Any missing information or data available since then has been incorporated into this review.
Figure 2-1 presents the database structure and information categories available from the assimilation project. This information has been reviewed to determine relevance and usefulness, and, combined with the information gathered through the site inspection and Cardno’s previous local experience, establishes a contemporary understanding of the historic development, and contemporary hydrodynamic and geomorphic processes operating within the study area.
Figure 2-1 Categories of information available from the assimilation project (Water Technology, 2011)
Literature Review and Available Data
Key documents