A schematic outline of the project methodology is shown in Figure 1-2. This shows three concurrent, interlinked streams, although all the cross-linkages are not shown. On the left is the project management and reporting stream, in the centre the geomorphology and history and, on the right, the modelling. The final two stages, the Risk Assessments and Adaptation Responses are not part of the Hazard assessment and form bodies of work for future investigations.

Figure 1-2 Schematic outline of the project methodology
The modelling considers waves and water levels throughout the study area, which enables the determination of design conditions for subsequent modelling. The geomorphology and history stream considers previous work to characterise the study area in terms of geology, land forms, shoreline types and geomorphic processes. This also includes the assessment of historical aerial imagery which enables shoreline change to be tracked over time to determine what changes may potentially happen in the future, based on what has happened in the past. The project management and reporting stream includes the project deliverables and the peer review process.
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