Can you imagine Ocean Grove in the future?
Ocean Grove is under threat from the impacts of sea level rise, especially along the Barwon River Estuary and we’re interested in your vision of a sustainable future for Ocean Grove so we’re talking to the community to help develop a coastal adaptation plan.
Coastal communities like Ocean Grove are at the forefront of climate change in Australia. No-one knows exactly what this might mean but there are strong indications that future changes could include:
- Extreme weather events
- Rising sea levels
- Hotter, drier summers
- Warmer, wetter winters.
The Our Coast Project has recently completed the Geelong-Queenscliff Coastal Mapping Project, identifying areas that may experience sea level rise. The research involved a technical assessment by consultants from Cardno, looking at issues including catchment inundation and storm surge. The assessment includes a series of maps showing the potential impact of sea level rise scenarios and severe weather events. The areas that will be impacted in Ocean Grove are highlighted in the maps below.
Get involved
A recent open house event in Ocean Grove in August attracted little interest from the community, so if you want to be involved you can provide your views in an online feedback form, or leave a comment on the Our Coast website's Contact Us page. We're interested in your feedback and ideas for how we can plan to adapt to a changing climate together.
LCHA Coastal Inundation and Asset Location
Other Useful Information
Ocean Grove CSIRO visualisation
Groundwater at Ocean Grove on the Barwon Estuary
More information on the Resource page